We, Japanese, have been using & having strong attach to "Charcoal fire". However, natural charcoal is expensive and requires great care & experience. We created "Ceramic Charcoal" which was first in Japan in 1983. It is our original "Carcoal made by Ceramic" which radiate high quality far infrared rays. Our "unique" griller(grilling equipment) which brought the tast almost same as the taste by natural charcoal grill was sensation. We, Kose Kogyo co., make it to easy to grill foods by "Kosei Charcoal Griller(Grilling equipment)".Easy to handle (stable heat), Easy to install (use gas), Crispy Surface & Juicy inside, Tast of great chef of natural charcoal. If reuired smoky flavor of natural chacoal, we shall add a few of natural charcoals and get slight smoke & scent of natural charcoal into the food. we consenrated to the production of this unique griller(grilling equipment) only and have sold out more than 2, 600 sets in Japan. Now, we start to expand the sales to the world wide.