We are mining company established in 2002, as the new player in iron ore and iron sand business but we have been ready with setled mining facilities to handle the big demand of our productMining:* permit for exploration no.540/kep.48/kplh/2000*permit for exploration no. Keputusan bupati no.540/kep-52/kplh/2003*location: Cilacap, ciheras, ciandum, cimanuk, tasikmalaya, west jave Indonesia*potential reserves 25.000.000 MT*mining facility*separator mini (cap 30 MT perday) 200 set*main separator (cap 2,00 perday),1 set*excavators 4 units*bulldozer 1 unit*trucks 300 units*stock pile capacity 300,000 MT per month*fe content of row material 40%-51%*fe content production minimum 60%*port of loading: Tanjung intan cilacap, Central jave, Indonesia*loading rate 7,000 MT per day*distance from stock pile to port:200 M*stock pile capacity 75,000 MT*depth of port 9,5 lws (vessel capacity: Maximum 40,000 mt)*working hour:24 hours*facilities: Mobile crane, bucket, fresh water, fuel bungker, etcDistance from mining:120 kmName of port: Tanjung intanOwner: Pt. PelindoSea: Indian Ocean