Tnitrend Corporation was established in 2005, initially the Companywas formed to manufacture the electronics accessory and TV Stands.In 2008, Company invested in modern machinery and totallycomputerized CNC mechanical production setup. A Huge investment andrestructuring in production network was established. The highestquality products are catering local and overseas market. Tnitrendis producing TV accessory including high tech fiber optic cablesand HDMI Cables, TV Stands and LCD Mounts, Digital & BiometricLocks and 3D entertainment media like, Video Glasses. The R&Dteam always looking ahead to find best solution to make Human lifeeasier by developing quality products. Tnitrend's slogan Makinglife easier is based on concept that, each and every productproduced at Tnitrend is mean to make the Human life easier!Tnitrend and SCP are the registered trade marks of SteelcraftPakistan.