• EurmeX Import-Export S.L

    C/Montnegre 15-17 7 1 Barcelona,

    EurmeX is a Trading company & wholesalers located in Barcelona.Our main line are the detergents, toilettries, cosmetics, personal hygiene.We also deal with food and beverages.Do not hesitate to contact sending your requirements.Best regards.
  • Ag Solgas SL


    Incia su actividad como persona f占�ca en 1980 comercializando toda la gama de Gases Industriales, Accesorios, Maquinaria para Soldadura, Materiales Aportaci占� Etc... hasta alcanzar consolidaci占�gracias a una selecci占�de productos el profesional distribuidos con un esemerado servicio.En 1995, nace AG ...
  • DaXyS MicroSystem

    Av. Can Fatjo, 27 Rubi, Barcelona

    DaXyS Microsystems offer to pontential clients innovate products for buy and also sell.The web is in test, please don't believe all in this, only look the product.We are an laptop assembly, we imports pieces to Spain for your assembly.
  • Body Image

    Rambla de Pulido Santa Cruz, aaaa

    Wholsaler in Tripoli Libya dedcated for Importer Agricultur productes and cosmetics , shampoos bear with out alcohol and miny other thinges....
  • Wine Partner

    C/ De la Arboleda, 4 Chiclana de la Frontera, Cadiz

    I intermediate in the sales and buying of branded products within the areas of food, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks and toiletries.
  • AAA International Cor

    P. O. Box, 5013 Madrid,

    Trade in Chemical (Fertilizers, Pesticides, Agrochemicals and Detergents); Metal Scrap; Automobiles, Trucks, Buses and Shi
  • Spanish Snail S.L


    Spanish Snail S.L was born from a desire to offer our expertise in raw materials and more specifically snail slime extract.This material is not trivial, fact, health professionals are increasingly interested about this product its unique healing properties. After several years of research, especially with the Biological ...