• S.C. MAT S.A. Craiova

    Decebal Av., No.111

    Designing, manufacturing and marketing of the universal special purpose tractors 45/53 h. P. And 195/200 P.Diverse trailers, producing a large range more than 58 agricultural machinery farm implements, forging stamping devices for specific parts, as well providing other various services technical assistance in field ...
  • Mircomet


    Sell electromagnetic coupling, coupling type-11c1 84013, Type 84 013-14c1, type 82 012-16c1, 013-16c1, 033-14c1, 053-11c1, 103-16c1, 11c1-82 052 type, Ced-9, CED-20 EKE, KLDO, ETM ESD TYPE ERD, etc.., couplings, clutches lathe machine tools Um Cugir Romanian or foreign origin, STROMAG, FEA brakes, CED , CSN, ERD domestic and ...