• Agroexportaciones Ebenezer

    Ruta 8 3-84 zona 4

    We are the medium company in Guatemala and produce exporter ornamental plants specialization HEMEROCALLIS -DAYLILIES. Stella D Oro, Happy Returns, Fairy Tale Pink. Aztec, Gold, Hyperion, Yellow Landscape, Pink Lavender, Kwanso, AGapanthus Bressinghan White, Peter Pan, Flowers, Strelizia, Gerberas, Anturios, ...
  • Byleher S.A.

    Ruta 8 3 80 Zona 4

    We are the small company and buy and sell products for food, for example, sugar, milk, flour, rice and others products, and reproducer and export daylilies and exotic flowers to Canada and USA.

    7 ave. 2-28 zona 09