El Amir, Ouargla, Ouargla, Algeria,30000

    Dear SirFirstly we want to definition our company, company is import & export it called S.N.C Zaoui Import Export , were established in the year 1990our residency district of Ouargla south Algeria began trade outboard 1995 ,were with several countries an important France ,Middle East, ChinaSir, I you products:Our importations ...
  • Ets Hamza

    aid hamdine, algiers, algiers, Algeria,16300

    the company is seeking growth and business relationships;trying to polarise algerian buyers from china.So the spectrum of products seeked and raltionships is very wikde.
  • Alam Aboos Apple

    medina, ichemoul, batna, Algeria,05222

    The sale of apples of all kinds Apple Al-Auras Available in the autumnRed apples Green Apples Yellow apples Small apple Apple Chief Apple very large