• Cristiano Fonseca

    rua sao fco sales quadra 47 lote 12

  • Dimpley/Juarez S.Garcia

    R. Antonio J. Castro,358

    We supply electronics/agricultural machines and equipaments/jewelry/apparel in and out Brazilian borders and we are proud to have been at alibaba for reliability and accuracy for so long.It is our aim to supply for both individuals as businesess around the world.

    Rua Parana 2389

    The products especially selected by BPEX offer some fascinating insights into the vivid mosaic of people and industries that make up Brazil an enchanting country justly celebrated in its national anthem as a Giant Nature. Since 1999 act on international trade introducing Brazilian complies with requirements demanded internal ...
  • Tj Assessoria E Consultoria Em Comercio Exterior

    Rua Uruguai, 458-Bloco 23-Sala 201

    Trade Junior is a foreign trade advisory and consultancy company that operate in the international market, which operates at Brazil. Trade junior assist companies that wants to introduce theirs products in the international market.