Our company is a manufacturer and exporter of all kinds of bags especially school bags,backpacks, cool bags,trolley bags,travelling bags etc with different materials as the customer?s request.We are located in Quanzhou,which is an ancient city of Silk Road on water and has the famous culture and education,also a bags production center .It is 90 kilo meters from Xiamen airport.Our main markets are Europe, South & North America and Middle East Asia.The bags are controlled strictly by our advanced Japan Modes management system, which highly improved the production capability and quality.Our policy is to offer you with the most competitive price,good delivery time and good quality. we also have strong and experienced sourcing & developing team, which we can source from every corner whatever you need. We can help you to accomplish your target.We sincerely wish to cooperate with you, and we can surely work together with you to develop your market. Your any inquiries will certainly get our close attention.